● 主持人:花亦芬 老師(台大歷史系教授)
● 時 間:2013年5月17日(週五)下午6:30-8:20
● 地 點:台灣大學普通教室201室
● 主辦單位:國立台灣大學歷史系、國立台灣大學邁向頂尖大學計畫「人文多樣性與跨文化」子計畫:歐洲史上的文化與宗教多元性。
● 演講摘要:
As long as persecution and annihilation under Nazi rule are being talked about, investigated and researched into, there are also the accompanying attempts to analyse and to explain the actions of those involved. This, of course, has always taken place within the framework of political and societal developments, important criminal trials and groundbreaking scientific publications. These contexts will be reconstructed during the talk and at the same time they provide the background for a deepened exploration of the so called perpetrator research as it has evolved since the end of World War II. The notable upsurge in perpetrator research since 1990 had been coming a long way since there had been a prevailing tendency to blank out the concrete faces and actions of Nazi era perpetrators for decades after World War II in
● 演講參考資料:Book review to National Socialist Extermination Policies: Contemporary Perspectives and Controversies. Volume 2, War and Genocide.
● 演講活動照片:
● 推薦書目與資源(1990年代以後的研究):
1. Christoph Browning (1992). Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland.
2. Daniel J. Goldhagen (1996). Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust.
3. Walter Manoschek 對 Wehrmacht的研究
4. Michael Wildt (2002). An Uncompromising Generation: The Nazi Leadership of the Reich Security Main Office.
5. Harald Wälzer (2007). Der Krieg der Erinnerung. Holocaust, Kollaboration und Widerstand im europäischen Gedächtnis.
6. The “Willing Executioners”/ “Ordinary Men” Debate
7. Perpetrator research in global context
7. Perpetrator research in global context